Website and SEO for Namibia Planners

Service: Web Design and SEO
- WordPress
- Custom post types
- Search and filter
- Gravity forms
Client: Namibia Planners
Industry: Wedding and Conference Planning
Project Scope
The goal of the site is to display advertisements from wedding and conference companies in Namibia. This forward-thinking company used to sell advertisement space for print media but decided online advertisements are the way forward.
The client wanted a clear distinction between wedding and conference planners but all on one site next to each other. We used blue for weddings and green for conferences all through the site to be consistent and to make a clear distinction.
Everything behind the scene is automated! The site had a secure registration form that allowed potential advertisers to upload all their information, photos, documents, specials and social media links to the site which then automatically populated the database. This meant the only action needed from the client was ticking a box and clicking publish and all the information was automatically pulled into a beautifully designed web page for each vendor. If some of the information was not relevant to that vendor, the ad was set not to display those fields through conditional logic, therefore it did not deter from the look by displaying any empty fields.
Unfortunately, due to COVID the company is currently closed as all travel in and out of Namibia is restricted. We sincerely hope the site will be made live again soon as this was one of our biggest projects yet and one of the loveliest clienst ever!