Wedding Invitation Website for couple in the Helderberg

Service: Wedding Invitation Website
- WordPress
- RSVP Form
- Photo compression
Client: Louis & Talitha
Industry: Weddings
Project Scope
This was a very special wedding website to make as it was so great to see the couple persevere through really tough times. Just as we were starting to plan the website, COVID hit south Africa, and all of a sudden the whole world was turned upside down. No traveling, no weddings, and no stepping outside the door. The couple bravely decided to put the wedding on hold for a while. I was so happy to receive an email almost a year later to say they are now ready to go ahead. I was so happy for them! It was worth the wait because just looking at the photos made me smile seeing the beautiful happy couple.
The website design was based on the beautiful printed and digital invitations made by Hayley Coulson from Invitation Cafe. We showed a little story of the couple, the wedding details, and an RSVP form.
I believe this couple is going to be very happy for a very long time to come!